Prior Minutes: in process
- We have entered a new Lions year and need to confirm club membership. If you wish to continue (or re-start) as a club member the annual dues (Jul-Jun) are $75 per lion. Family members (up to 4) are half price so the rate for a couple is $112.50/year. Dues can be done the old-fashioned way (cash or check) to Lion Shauna or online by credit card if desired. I will also send a money request email link for same via the Lions Club Paypal page to accommodate any online payments. Thank you and have a great year! Lion Roger Club Treasurer 2016/17
- Email re consolidating new member and charter fees into a single category called entrance fees. As part of this consolidation, we will have one single entrance fee of $35 as of July 1, 2017.
- Mobile app available to download and view Lions Magazines - works great
- Lion Roger to report meeting with Town re playground equipment order. Work with Lion Alex to get revised order sent asap