![]() May 2014 - LIon Hazel (front center) has returned home to her beloved husband Grant after just a short time in the hospital. Her spouse Grant passed on several years back so meanwhile Hazel found many worthwhile projects to keep her busy in the meantime (in addition to knitting something at most every spare minute). She joined us as an official club member a few years back and has continued supporting us despite her advancing years. Her funeral service was held Sat 31 May 2014 (just after our Lions Garage Sale event). She will be missed.
![]() Letter of Support 31 May 2014 Magrath Lions Club Box 152 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 magrathlions.com To whom it may concern. Dear Sirs/Madams, The Magrath Lions Club has a long history of service in and around Magrath. We support the Greenhouse Project initiative proposed by The Horticultural Division of the Magrath and District Agricultural Society. The Magrath Lions Club was founded in Magrath, Alberta with 22 charter members in 1938 with Gladstone Balderson as our first Lions Club President. Many of those charter members were farmers and ranchers [it was a gravel road to Lethbridge back then]. Today we carry on with about a dozen active members and continued community volunteer support of our projects. We celebrated our 75th Charter Night in May 2013 and our most recent project was the construction of the Terry Trainer Memorial playground at the local fish pond/campground. The Magrath Lions Club is a proud member of Lions District 37N. Today we rely more on social media and online websites to facilitate our work in the community. Like us at facebook.com/magrathlions or follow our club activities at magrathlions.com One of our own initiatives is the sponsoring of a Leos youth club at the Magrath School and would encourage them along with our own Lions Club members to assist in this project. Support of this facility could be an area of focus for the Leos (high school aged youth) here in Magrath, in participating in both the educational aspect as well as helping in the maintenance and operations of such a facility. We believe there is much educational merit in learning to grow food for consumption as well as in conserving local plant species and in increasing awareness of our community history and culture. We currently head an annual community food drive each year to support the Lethbridge area food banks. We would support the growing of fresh produce for donation to a cause like this. Thank you. Lion Roger Davies Roger Davies [email protected] Club President 2014 Magrath Lions Club ![]() Do YOU have STUFF? Sure you do! You could donate some of that STUFF to the Magrath Lions Club Garage Sale and then come by to buy some new exciting STUFF! Drop offs: starting Sat 24 May 2014 at 'old Home Hardware' building we will be collecting your items for donation .. see Tracie at Roosters or Roger at the Magrath Pharmacy ** and then ** Sale: Our annual Lions Community Garage Sale .. will be held Sat 31 May 2014 from 9-noon INSIDE at the former/vacant Home Hardware building .. the 'old Home Hardware' (behind Roosters). Thanks Jay for letting us use this building this year! See you all there! Thanks to everyone who have so willingly donated items for us to share with Magrath in the past. Thanks to the Lions and Leo Kids who help price and organize and sell said items, and to the Lions who prepare flyers to distributed around Magrath. The town sign is booked to simply advertise: "Have items to donate? Contact a member of Magrath Lions Club (magrathlions.com) for pickup [from Sat May 24th through Fri May 30th for Lions Garage Sale on the 31st May 2014 at the back of Roosters .. Want to help? See Roger at Pharmacy or Tracie at Roosters to volunteer .. ]Need to shop? See you Sat 31 May 9-noon!" .. Thank you Magrath! Past Lions Community Garage Sales have been well stocked and well attended with donations raised going toward our many Magrath Lions Club Projects! Lots of people got neat stuff to 'treasure' and/or 'recycle'. Yay to all. Have a great summer! |
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