Thank you to everyone for supporting the No Cost Clothing event this year. Many dedicated volunteers (too great to be numbered ..), tons of clothes (and shoes, for some reason) donated and sorted out, and lots of patrons out on Saturday ..
* 250+ large bags of clothes donated during collection week this year
* only 21 (xl) bags left over (to Diabetes Society on Wed)
* We estimate 210 large bags of clothes (about 5000 lbs) distributed.
* 200 man hours recorded to run the event (50 workers avg 4 hrs each)
And finally, more thank you's: to all the local churches who so willing support us and participate, to the Town of Magrath for letting us use the Ice Arena, for the many returning long working seasoned volunteers, to all you who so willingly donated your gently used clothing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.