Lions Club Meeting Minutes – Wed 2 Nov 2016 (deferred 2 weeks from Oct 2016)
- Attending: Lion President Shauna, Secretary Laurie-Ann, Treasurer Roger, Alex, Glen, Christine, Elizabeth, Guest Shirley Clifton, Regrets Deanna (home sick).
- Call to order at 8:00pm
- Last meeting minutes – unavailable. We last met as group at home of Glen/Christine for Lions backyard BBQ at end of August. September meeting did not have enough attending for a quorum – deferred business to October. The October meeting was unavoidably deferred two weeks to 2 Nov 2016 (today).
- Next meeting – generally will be 3rd Wed of each month with 2 summer months as optional activities (Jul/Aug). We will hold a work meeting in November on Wed 16 Nov 2016 re completing our Christmas Box drive for 2016 (see below). This December we will meet 1 week eariler due to Christmas for an induction supper meeting at the new ‘Magrath Cafe’ on 14 Dec 2016. Mark your calendars! Will post proposed meeting schedule and club projects/events with time and locations TBA on website. It is displayed on home page of website. Email Lion Roger if you wish to sync/share/adjust events on our club google calendar. Moved that regular meetings be held 3rd Wed each month (except 2nd Wed in Dec). Approved. [Website online calendar and club information have been updated accordingly].
- Discussed Christmas Box Drive 2016 ending week of 18 Nov 2016 (Fri). Proposed table be set up at entrance of Remembrance Day program with handouts/boxes for those who wish to participate this year. Lion Shauna will man table that day – any others welcome to assist. Lion Roger will prepare handout flyers. Will acquire more boxes from Derra Murray in Raymond (coordinator/contact for drop offs). Boxes/flyers will also be available at Pharmacy/Library/perhaps other locations. Encourage club members to consider making up own boxes. Advert info will be sent to local newsletter people. To Do: Book table/time. Boxes (100) and flyers distributed. Prepare completed boxes for Fri 18 Nov pickup. So moved. Approved as discussed. [We received 100 boxes and flyers from D Murray and sent request to bulletin personnel to insert our event].
- Roger reported recent meeting (Tue last) with town on who should be responsible for maintenance at local lions parks. Noted his response to the committee could have been more diplomatic. Background: Swings and Teeter totter at current lions park were donated/installed back in 1970’s. One Councilman reported telling us that a chain on one swing needed repair and that it had not been fixed to his satisfaction. I noted that we were happy to assist as volunteers when we can but that the land is owned by the town, the equipment was donated to the town and therefore also owned by them, and that we consider them responsible for all subsequent maintenance – they don’t need our permission to remove/repair/upgrade/replace unsafe items (especially some now nearing 40 years of age). That said, we have about $20,000 in Casino Fund account that needs to be spent, preferably on upgraded items for these parks – 2 new teeter totters, 2 new shade tables at fish pond and gazebo as at last discussions. Lion Roger to write letter to town clarifying our intentions with this next donation. Approved as discussed.
- Lion Roger noted dues for 2016/17 now due. Cost is $75 per member per year. Half price for 2nd member of a family so couple cost is $112.50. Lion Alex noted article in latest Lion Magazine detailing discounts for some items to Canadian Veterans (charter/entrance fees of $30/$25 waived). Lion Alex/Laurie-Ann both qualify. Lion Roger will email [email protected] to inquire how this program affects their annual fees. Will also email invoices to current members with payment options to club paypal account. [that email bounced back, will try alternate email]
- Discussed status of Dog Park donation towards fencing. Lion Christine noted some delays in approval of site with town/county. The proposed site is owned by town but located in county and currently under dispute with neigboring land owners. Lion Glen noted other possible locations now being considered. H Crapo/K Dudley of Dog Lovers Society are making proposals to the town/county that may change the parameters of our involvement. Moved to defer to future date. Approved.
- Discussed club uniform – currently blue shirts with ‘Magrath Lions Club’ logo embroidered over breast. Lion Roger noted official shirts in various colors styles available online. Members decided they like our locally sourced shirts. Lion Shauna will get sizing info and order shirts via local supplier (Lachelle T). We may need additional shirts as well. Moved to continue using current club uniform (dark blue collar golf style shirts with gold logo). Approved.
- Proposed our Dec meeting be an induction meeting for Lion Christine/Glen but moved to 2nd Wed vs 3rd. Approved. We will meet at Magrath Cafe (formerly named Susans Restaurant) at 6:30pm. Lion Laurie-Ann will let them know we hope to eat that night there and hold our meeting there. Approved.
- Request for donation from S Robinson for advertising of Community Nativity Display. This was approved last year but not need as the event was deferred. She is asking for $300. Motion to approve her request now. Approved Lion Roger will prepare check. [did, done]
- Lion Roger noted a request from Magrath Chamber of Commerce to have the Lions organise and run a street hockey exhibition in conjunction with the upcoming Hometown Christmas (1 Dec). They had originally proposed an outdoor ice rink but have since discovered that the insurance costs ($400/day) are prohibitive. It was suggested a street hockey event might be a nice replacement activity. After some discussion, it was decided that we are not prepared to participate in this at this time. Motion denied.
- Lion Roger presented an idea for a new service club outreach program. There are several other service clubs currently active in Magrath. It was suggested the Lions Club could facilitate somewhat what is trying to be accomplished by those other clubs. He proposed each club member be assigned to shadow a service club of interest to 1) determine who is involved, 2) when they meet, 3) what their main objectives/challenges are. For instance: Lion Roger would like to be assigned to Museum. He would contact them and attend as many of their meetings as needed to return and report to our club on how we can help each other. We would then determine what we can do as a Lions Club to assist in coordinating projects/volunteers, promotion/fundraising/etc. Lion Shauna will contact Pals of the Pool. Lion Christine offered to talk to Dog Lovers Society. Other possible service clubs to coordinate with: Ag Society, Library Board, Handibus, Sports (hockey/soccer/baseball), 4H, or others. Suggest each club member start with one assigned club and report at future meetings. Lion Roger noted the new website (provided to community free of charge by LDS Church) is available to coordinate volunteer needs with helpers. Free registration to view available projects. Several Lions projects have been and can be posted there (Christmas box, Food Drive, No Cost Clothing, etc). Only restriction – no commercial or political items can be posted. This service may be of interest to other clubs. We can also cross post information on our webpages and social media sites.
- Lion Elizabeth – Working on Speech contest for Remembrance Day. Deadline for applicants was today. Club has previously approved donation of prize money for winners ($20/$10/$5) to 1st/2nd/3rd as needed (depends on number of participants). The judging will occur Fri 4 Nov and the winners will be asked to speak on 11 Nov. [not enough entrants received this year for contest to proceed].
- Lion Elizabeth also reported on her work re Fire Hydrant Paint Project. It started 5 years ago with Lion Elizabeth and Shirley painting most town hydrants as ‘dog’ figures. Many are now in need of repainting, and she started on repainting some before the snow flies. Plan to continue in spring. [Magrath Fire Chief noted that they are planning to paint all hydrants themselves this year with color coded info - we will need to defer this project].
- Discussed the Town Beautification project – several 4x8 works of art commissioned by club to be posted on the Roosters south wall (somewhat facing the ATB). It was noted that many like the art but do not realise who provided it (done by J Brame and art students with donations for supplies from Lions). Lion Roger noted some bolts need minor repair to fix to wall properly. The background brick paint needs some updating as well. Suggested we order in medium size Lion Emblems to be displayed along with the artwork. Proposed we contact Mr Brame to see if he is interested in doing any more. Contact approved.
- Motion to Adjourn 9:30pm. Thank you to everyone for attending! Minutes by R Davies (please forward any errors/omissions to [email protected] asap for correction).
Addendum: Financial report: We have received letters noting we are delinquent in payment of regional/local dues. This will be addressed shortly. [subsequently addressed]. Annual financial report to government now due. Report to AGLC expected due soon as well. Thank you. /rdd