In attendance: Lion Club President Alex White, Guest Larry Murray and Lions Roger/Shauna Davies, Deanna Friday, Kelly Strey, Lawrence Papworth, Elizabeth Olsen. Blys did not attend as Lion Christine sick. Lion Mike out of town at work. Lion Laurie Ann attending another meeting across town. Lion Catherine also did not attend.
- Minutes from last meeting not available (Nov 2018 see Lion Christine). Dec 2018 was to be Dinner meeting in Lethbridge but it had to be unscheduled. Lion Roger will attempt to take notes for current meeting ..
- Lion Alex reported on status of work on Lions Playground. Town Foreman W Quinton has list of items needing updates and working on getting quotes for needed gravel etc. He wants to meet with us at next club meeting (Feb 2019).
- Lion Roger reported on upcoming Community Food Drive plans. Over past several years have relied on Calvin Heggie of Custom Windows with many thanks for transportation of the 6-10K pounds of donated food from Magrath to Lethbridge in his truck/trailer. He is now facing some serious health issues and we likely need to find alternative helpers at least for this year. Lion Alex will approach others to see if they can step in (eg V Torkelson, or others). Otherwise, project plans are as in past years. We will order bags via Magrath Pharmacy and print prepared flyers via Keyline. Lion Roger will prepare and coordinate via website. Confirmed date for event this year is Sat 27 Apr 2019.
- Discussed date and plans for Lions Garage Sale in Spring 2019. Sat 1 Jun 2019 proposed with collections throughout May 2019. Lion Alex suggested we find a way to run the event longer than just the Sat morning. Although it might be nice to give people more time to shop, need to check with W Quinton re availability and logistics. We used Home Hardware last year for collection storage. OK to approach Jay Mackenzie to see if he is still willing to do this again this year (note some construction underway in 2nd Floor of that building). Last year event raised about $1600 but a lot of volunteer work was required for collection, storage, moving and setup, then running the event and cleanup afterwards. Lion Roger to update website project page. It was proposed we prepare printed posters and do more advertising to ensure event is easily remembered this year.
- Lending Library project proposed in past by Lion Catherine. Lion Roger proposed we consider sponsorship of event rather than just doing it as a club. He wants to make his own and thinks others will want to do their own as well. Club could prepare contest parameters and provide a prize or award for those participating. Discuss at future meetings
- Santa Gone Loonie project discussed. Would be nice to have this event available in Magrath but considered too big for a club of our current size. Lion Roger suggested we participate as part of community committee for this event. Suggested we approach past organisers S Robinson, K West, etc to gauge interest and needs.
- Lion Lawrence reported on status of Casino application. Needed current member list, a current year budget report and past 2 year financial reports (provided after meeting by Lion Roger) as well as copy of minutes where ok to proceed with application was given. See Lion Christine for those meeting minutes (Fall 2018). Proposed we re-confirm that we want to proceed with the Casino application in this meeting as well. Approved
- Lion Roger provided updated financial report to Pres Alex. Note this report online at Link to Magrath Lions Financials - Lion Roger. Updated notes page with current financial issues to discuss. Google Docs Lions 2018-19 Reports Summary Income Expense
- Motion to adjourn at 8pm by Lion Shauna
p.s. deferred/future items
- Nov 2018 - Status of Casino Acct vs Playground Upgrade. Per meeting decisions in 2018 the club proceeded with selection and purchase of Blue Imp equipment for Terry Trainer Playground at fishpond. Subsequent meetings with Town Foreman W Quinton indicated town would rather use this in the older Lions Park Playground and focus improvements there to meet new safety and insurance requirements. Club agreed to proceed that way in Spring 2019 plan
- Jan 2019 - FYI Revised budget item for dues payable from 750 to 1000. With current exchange rates and since we have not raised our annual fee request ($75/person $112.5/couple CAD), we are currently losing money on exchange re LCI bi-annual dues payable in US Funds. There are also some addl bank fees in using Paypal to collect and disperse funds online. This year we appear to be about $310 CAD short or over $25 per person. To discuss with executive .. we have little control over US/CAD exchange rates discuss
- Jan 2019 - Propose: we consider new schedule of $99/person or $149/couple CAD for 2019/20 and on unless exchange rates improve. Only other alternative is to have club subsidize the difference from fundraiser events in years when rates are unfavorable (grey area) .. propose
- Jan 2019 - Casino Appl being worked on by Lion Lawrence. Lion Roger provided him more info to him at 23 Jan 2019 meeting (past 2 year financials and current membership lists. He may also need a copy of official minutes for meeting (about Fall 2018 from Lion Christine) where club agreed to proceed with Casino and updated club brochure. /rdd work in process
- 2019 - Funds for MES Lunch Program $500 and to Community Nativity Display $300 could come from Casino funds. Propose transfer $800 from Casino to Savings to offset checks we wrote in Dec 2018 propose
- addendum to meeting minutes: Next meeting will be Wed 27 Feb 2018 7pm at the Davies (161 W 2nd Ave S Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 403-388-4332) with DG and IPDG (Cathy Anderson) planning to attend as well. Town foreman also asked us if he could attend that meeting as well. /rdd
- Also Lion Alex/Christine, don't forget: When printed member list from LCI website for Lion Lawrence had to manually fix two errors. Corrections needed to membership data names: a) Lion Glen Bly's file has been renamed to Mike Duff somehow and b) Lion Mike Duff's file shows 'Mr Irene Rennie' as his name. Hmm. Perhaps we need to have our DG visitors tell us how to get this corrected at LCI .. Lion Christine: I’ve tried several times to correct that. I’ve even emailed them. If only one could speak to a human to correct ‘computer errors’. ssdirect: Yeah, that is why the DG may need to provide some direction on this ..
- ssdirect: Update .. paid LCI dues due online today (24 Jan) and mailed check for district c-2 dues as well