IPP Lion Alex and Laurie Ann will be on the East coast that week but hope to be able to call in to the meeting at some point to say hi.
Call to order 6:30pm Attending: Lion Shauna and Roger, Lion Larry, Guests Minerva, son William, Aubrey, Megan, children Hadley, Hudson. Regrets: Lion Alex/Laurie Ann in Nova Scotia, Lion Laurence came down with cold, Lion Elizabeth recovering from cold, Lion Catherine working late.
'Pizza in the Park' ended up to be mostly 'Chilly in the Dark'! but we forged on regardless. Thank you to all who braved the fall wind and early setting of the sun with us!
- Lion Shauna - 6:30pm Welcome and introductions.
- Menu: Pizza! from SASH and chips/pop from Roosters.
- Lion Roger reported on current and upcoming projects
- Project Christmas boxes- boxes ordered 50+ and will be available for pickup at Magrath Pharmacy. Lions website has been updated (for 2023 **please drop off by 6pm on Fri 17 Nov 2023 at the Magrath Pharmacy**)
- Idea: Approach SASH to see if they might need local versions of christmas boxes for Food Kitchen clients. Perhaps leaving a few empty boxes at SASH and/or Roosters
- Need posters and information in social media.
- SASH would like some help with a food drive .. defer discussion to later meeting
- Project Peace Poster 2024
- Lion Elizabeth has contacted school. They would like to participate but later in the year.
- Lion Roger reports ordered kit has been lost in mail - emailed Lions Store to see about tracking the delivery.
- We could proceed for this year or defer to next .. Lion’s International entries limited to students age 11-13. We can run a local High School version for later in the year ..
- Zone C2 Meeting Tues Oct 17th 6pm at Lethbridge Casino boardroom is open to all club members. Lion Roger and Shauna plan to attend.
- New members: Ashley Clifton and Aubrey Olsen have agreed to join our club as well as Daniel and Minnie Noad. Welcome!
- Project Christmas boxes- boxes ordered 50+ and will be available for pickup at Magrath Pharmacy. Lions website has been updated (for 2023 **please drop off by 6pm on Fri 17 Nov 2023 at the Magrath Pharmacy**)
- Lion Lawrence was unable to attend but sent his Casino report by email.
- Next Magrath Lions Club casino date is approved for Jan, Feb or March of 2026
- a $500 donation was made to local family to help with costs as a child with cancer was retroactively approved.
- Lions hats and badges for 2023/24 donated by Lion Shauna and distributed to current and new Lions Club members. We hope to have members wear hats while working club projects and badges can be used on coats or shirts.
- We continue to look for new members. Website has been updated with 2024 Club Fact sheet and updated lions club New Member application form.
- Discuss: advertising for new members on facebook “Looking for anyone who would like to make a difference in the community. The Lion’s club is looking for people willing to help”.
- Idea: (Aubrey) Knitt yarn wigs of Disney princesses for children with cancer – this could include community members . Will look for more information.
- Idea: Cardston is doing a “Be Nice to Your Neighbour Bingo” – we will talk about doing this in more detail next meeting.
- 7:30pm Motion to adjourn.
Minutes by Lion Larry with updates by Lion Roger.