Attending RD/SD, AW/LW, EO, DB 6/12
Next meeting Wed 14 Nov 2012 6pm at SASH
- Tail Twister Welcome - Lion Laurie-Ann
- Minutes of last meeting Read and accepted 5/5
- Discuss Food Bank donation distribution request - Lion Shauna reported that the school was having a project to collect items for local families and wanted to know if we were willing to deliver their collection items to the specified families. Accepted 5/5
- Discussion of Membership Dues - Lion Tom/Tracie status deferred to next meeting.
- No Cost Clothing Project - Lion Elizabeth report. Next No-Cost event to be held in Apr or May 2013. Lion Elizabeth will look for best date that gym is available. In Sep 2012 No-Cost event, reported collections of 200 large and 68 small bags of donated clothing and only 40 large bags left after the event (donated on to Diabetes Society). Lion Elizabeth counted 56 volunteers over the 2 day event and will get est man-hours for next meeting.
- Mural Paint Project - Lion Deanna joined meeting and provided status report. The initial preparation and base coat paint is complete thanks to Abe Wolvers and son for their time and equipment. Lion Deana will continue working with local artists to produce a draft proposal for the mural.
- Birthday Calendar Fundraiser - Lion Roger report. Need to prepare a newsletter/flyer for post office distribution. Lion Alex suggested we offer option for custom family birthday calendars - same backing but with just specified family birthday/anniversary events, in addition to the entire town option. Club thought this would be a great idea. Lion Roger will implement ways to do this. Suggest min of say 5 calendar orders for custom option. Letters to advertisers will go out this month. Also looking for submissions for photograph for this year calendar featuring local area.
- Trainer Memorial Playground - Lion Tom status report deferred to next meeting.
- DW Park Installation - Lion Roger report Thankyou to Moyle Pilling. Club will send out thank you letters to those involved and highlight it in our flyers.
- Hometown Christmas - book a table or not. Discussed whether we should book a table at the Hometown Christmas event. No clear direction - a little too late for calendar sales and hard to staff as most want to participate in the event, Lion Roger will be tied up with Chamber responsibilites that evening. After some discussion, we have decided to NOT book a table for this event. Voted 6/6
- Review bills to pay - Lion Roger moved that paint costs to date be paid [home hardware and reimb Lion Shauna and Lion Deana] about $350 to date, voted and accepted 6/6. Lion Roger will forward financial papers/current statements he has received in the mail to Lion Tom. [note: signature updates needed for new club administration at the bank was completed by 17 Oct]
- Leo Club. Lion Roger reported he has requested start up information package for the proposed Leo Club. Need a local sponsor (ie from School or Town FCSS) as well as club support. Vote to proceed 6/6 Lion Deanna reported that FCSS runs a Drama club at the school and we may need to coordinate time and people with that event. Want to proceed with a introductory Leo party with facepainting and food (FCSS willing to assist).
- Eye Glass collections. Lion Lesley will be asked to coordinate. Lion Roger will look for official collection box options online. We probably could have more than one collection point, perhaps at the banks, school, and other downtown business locations.
- Fall Birthdays - Shauna Oct 11 Lesley & Devar Oct 12 Roger Oct 22 Devar Oct 26 Deanna Oct 29 .. others?
New Business: - Town Christmas program in Dec 2012. Lion Elizabeth would like to proceed with this event as we did last year. Discussed need for this event. Decided this is an event of value where the entire town can participate in and get to know their neighbors. She will look for a time and place in mid Dec. Lions club will be asked to provide refreshments. Last year we used free tickets for punch to ensure all were refreshed with little success. Lion Roger suggested this year we sell cups of chocolate milk at nominal 25 cent charge in addition to the [free] donated cookies provided. Approved 6/6 Lion Deanna would like to organize a Silent Auction for the Leo's at that event. OK to proceed.
- LIon Elizabeth noted the time for Operation Christmas Child is fast approaching. Club affirmed they want to continue with this project. Need to collect boxes by Fri 16 Nov cutoff here in Magrath and deliver to Lethbridge by the next day. Lion Roger will get boxes and brochures. Suggested we purchase large gift bags [20] for school classroom donation spots. Approved 6/6 Discussed best place for box-stuffing event. Seniors was nice but hard to include younger children. Lion Roger will approach SASH to see if we could use their meeting area for this kind of project. At this location we could get any Seniors
- Motion to adjourn at 8:30pm
Attending this meeting: Lion Roger and Shauna Davies, Lion Alex and Laurie-Ann White, Lion Elizabeth Olsen, Lion Deanna Bingley.
Next meeting: 7pm Wed 14 Nov 2012 (re OCC box-stuffing event and meeting) at SASH [Lion Roger to confirm].
Thank you to the Whites for the use of their home for our meeting and for the treats and conversation afterward. Thanks again!
It has been a busy and successful start to 2012/13. A giant thank you to everyone for their efforts so far! Please email me if we missed items of importance to discuss or new projects to consider .. Thanks again to all!
Lion Roger