Calling all Magrath Lions Club Members! You and a guest are invited to our annual Christmas Dinner event. Thursday 15 Dec 2022 7pm at Magrath Seniors Center for Magrath Lions Club Members and Guests See you there for a great meal (we're serving 'cause We Serve) and a quick meeting! Event notes: Lion Roger Dec 15, 2022 Magrath, AB Thank you to all that were able to attend our Magrath Lions Chirstmas dinner event. Sorry to miss any of you that were under the weather or having to work that night. We hosted 4 honored guests from our District C-2 leadership with 16 total in attendance. A lovely meal was provided by Gwen Boylan and afterwards LCI Chevron Awards were presented to Lion Alex and Lion Laurie Ann, to Lion Shauna and to Lion Elizabeth from Lions HQ by guest of honor Kevin Gibbons (First Vice District Governor of District C-2 [1st VDG]). We were encouraged to attend the upcoming District C-2 8th annual District Conference in Drumheller, AB the weekend of Feb 3-4, 2023. BTW We agree there were at least 4 spirits in Christmas Carol movie .. Dinner commenced at 7pm after welcome by Lion Alex and a blessing on food offered by Lion Elizabeth Olsen. Updated copies of the Club Fact Sheet v.2023 were available for review. We plan to circulate these throughout the town in coming year. Meeting concluded by 8:15pm. In attendance 1st VDG Lion Kevin Gibbons, 2nd VDG Lion Glen Garalde and travelling companions Lion Raquel and Lion Leslie, Club President Lion Alex White, Lions Elizabeth, Roger, Shauna, Larry, plus invited guests from community. Thank you again to all for attending with us! Next meeting will be in 2023 (4th Thu in Jan).
In conjunction with our Magrath Lions Garage Sale I .. we hosted a visit with our 2012-13 DG Laura Dickerson of Kalispell. Also attending Lions Elizabeth, Roger, Shauna, Laurie-Ann, Alex, Deanna and volunteer helpers at the Garage Sale.
Discussed: Members and positive growth, Dr Patty Hill as possible 1st woman LCI president. Noted Lion Shauna was President in our club 2010-11 and 2011-12 .. our first woman club president. Encouraged to attend zone meetings and continue on in community service projects. DG Dickerson reported some of the projects going on in Kalispell including community garden, Leo clubs and expanding the Lions Clubs. We thank DG Dickerson for taking the time to come visit with u |
Magrath Lions ClubHere we post meeting mInutes and other club business .. Archives
March 2024