Members Present: Shauna & Roger Davies, Laurie-Ann & Alex White, Deanna Friday, Elizabeth Olsen Regrets: Christine & Glen Bly
Minutes: Read by Deanna and approved (minor typos corrected).
Discussion Arising from the Minutes:
- Food Drive – The Food Drive was a success. Roger sent pictures and email from the event. Received a letter from the Lethbridge Food Bank. The food bank now has big bins, so there is really no need for sorting as they do it all there. Around 4000 lbs of food, were collected - equivalent to $10,000. There were slight hiccups with food pickups at people’s houses. Roger’s white van is /was available at the Pharmacy till Friday, 28 April. Ryan Wilde collected some snack type food from our collections, for the School Lunch Program. We had less volunteers for the collection and delivery to Lethbridge, with that being said, we are most grateful of all that contributed in all forms. The actual cost of bags and flyers was $245.64.
- Garage Sale – 27 May – Flyers need to be put up around town. Idea – rental of storage unit in town for the cost of $165/month. This removes the need of using anyone’s home for storage. Need to confirm with town soonest to confirm the use of the Ice Arena as the Venue for the Garage Sale. Advertising can be started around town as of 1 May. It was mentioned that we will not Hold items for people if it is not paid for. Timings would be set up Friday evening and start up Saturday morning between 8-8:30am. Wrapping up to finish by 1-ish. Insurance form needs to be filled in as well.
- School Lunch/Food Program – starts in September. The Magrath Lions can start dispensing/donating $50/month as needed for the school year.
- Playgrounds (Lion’s Park /Fish Pond) – Alex has submitted a request for a quote and delivery date for playground equipment (Rock Climbing Wall, Apollo Spinner, Dome) We have $20,000 set aside for these purchases.
- Signing Authority needs to be updated at the banks for the upcoming year for the Magrath Lions. Tom Spackman has the current financial paperwork, of which Alex also needs to sign for. Signing authority is as follows: Lion President Alex White; Lion Secretary Christine Bly, Lion Treasurer kept as Roger Davies and remove all others for all bank accounts.
- Fees were paid for this year, website/domain name hosting bill is $720. Alex made a motion to accept this and Shauna 2nd it. All were in favor. Need to get more cheques from the bank, small fee. There is a $5 fee monthly for paper statements.
- Magrath Seniors need a letter of recommended support for a grant, from New Horizons, to have the roof replaced on the Senior Center.
- Herb McKelvey regularly donates $5 every couple of months to the Magrath Lions Club. Much gratitude.
- Results for the Election are as follows: Alex White President, Christine Bly Secretary, Roger remains as Treasurer.
Next Meetings: 24 May @ 7pm / 28 Jun @ 7pm
Minutes by Lion Laurie-Ann, Club Secretary 2016-17