Meeting Minutes/Date: February 27, 2019
- Opening: The regular meeting of the Magrath Lions Club was called to order at 7:00 pm on February 27 in Magrath, AB at home of Lions Roger & Shauna Davies.
- Present: Lions Alex White, Laurie Ann White, Roger Davies, Shauna Davies, Lawrence Papworth, Christine Bly, Glen Bly, Kelly Duff, Deanna Friday, and guests Tracie Dawson, Larry Murray
- Special guests: Lion Brent Johnson (incoming District Governor)Cathy Anderson (Zone Chair) Zone Chairperson
- Introductions by Alex welcoming and introducing our two guests, Cathy and Brent.
- Brent’s comments included greetings from the International President, Introduction of the International theme for Lions 101. Beyond the Horizon -Needs- increase membership, leadership growth, member retention, Lion Fellowship. - Share Lions experiences, track people served. International Lions focus relief projects 1/Vision 2/Diabetes 3/Hunger 4/Environment improvement 5/Childhood cancer. Campaign 100 Each lion to donate to lions lcif general fund.
- April 13 in Strathmore - Officer training seminar
- April 26 & 27 in Rimby - Multi District Convention
- April 29 in Lethbridge - Zone meeting at Honkers @ 6:00 pm 2808 - 5 Ave. N.
- May 25 in Lethbridge - Lions Dog Walk, fundraiser for service dogs
- Alex read a letter from LCI Club badge recognizing our membership increase over the past centennial year.
- Alex and Laurie Ann received Golden Centennial Award for sponsorship in the centennial year.
- Lion Alex reported on **Playground equipment: Lions Park Upgrade, town to do work, Southwest Concrete will donate pea gravel. Bluegrass Landscaping available to donate trailer for the April 27th food drive and for upcoming Lions garage sale on June 01
- **The Discord telephone app will be used for club communications. You can find it in your app store or online.
- There’s also a new MyLion app to help keep informed on club activities. It will be used in future for all online club reporting.
- Lion Lawrence reported on status of Casino Application - Ongoing AGLC requires we address our by-laws re Vice Presidents and provide a letter of good standing from Lions (Lion Roger will request such a letter from current DG Tyler Bray). Discussed suggestion that VPs 1/2/3 could be volunteers vs current lion member (contrary to by-law) [see post meeting discussions on Discord on this].
on Wed Mar 27 the last meeting minutes read and accepted with revision: "Last meeting we agreed to install 3 vice presidents to serve until next election for purposes of AGLC/current bylaws. Laurie Ann White will serve as 1st VP. Larry Murray will serve as 2nd VP. Tracie Dawson will serve as 3rd VP. Elections in Apr 2019 will determine officers for 2019/20."
- Lion Roger moved we transfer funds from casino to savings to cover cheques written ($500 for school lunch program and $300 for Community Christmas Display event). All in favor, motion carried.
- DG Brent to assist in clearing up membership errors online.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 27 @ 7:00pm