[a week earlier than normal and starting 1/2 hour earlier to accomodate the Christmas Box deadline]
at The Noads Davies 161 W 2nd Ave S Magrath, AB for all Magrath Lions Club members
- Focus: Christmas Box 2023 Project
- "Project Christmas boxes- ordered 100 boxes more and will be available for pickup at Magrath Pharmacy. (for 2023 **please drop off by 6pm on Fri, 17 Nov 2023 at the Magrath Pharmacy**) - budgeting club project $250 to fill boxes. Motion passed and carried. New members will shop to fill the boxes [SD AO AC MN]. Approved."
Thu 16 Nov 2023 6:30pm at Noads
Attending (8): Lions Roger, Alex, Lawrence, Elizabeth, Ashley, Aubrey, Minnie, Daniel. Regrets (4): Lion President Shauna (work), VP Laurie Ann (sick), Sec Larry (conflict), Catherine (work).
- 3/4 hour - Christmas Box assembly - 14 boxes and 6 extra backbacks. Lion Ashley and Aubrey donated 2 each of their own. {RD} reported 28 boxes have been received at Magrath Pharmacy from community donations. $250 for shipping donation to OCC required from Casino account - Approved (chk#1 $250). Completed boxes will be taken to Lethbridge on Saturday morning 17-Nov. {AO} $20 cash donation for her shipping to Lions account. {DT} $240 cash donation for shipping re community boxes. {RD} Check will be required for Saturday for cash shipping donations to OCC from Community account (chk#2 $280). OK
- Lion Shauna sends her regards. Unable to attend due to work schedules. Previous meeting minutes online. No changes to prior minutes noted. Approved.
- {RD} reviewed agenda / MTD reports
- Christmas Box {AC AO} project purchases made last weekend total $371 and propose $250 donation from C-acct = $621 total completed boxes to Lethbridge on Sat am 17 Nov 2023. 28 boxes have been donated from community this year .. {RD}
- Hometown Christmas Kindness Bingo {RD AO} project in progress setup/printing cards $170 with $250 gift cert prizes = $430 total, deadline for entries Thu 30 Nov 2023 with final draw 1st week of Dec 2023.
- Peace Poster project {EO} in discussion with MHS, they seem interested in school wide poster contest by end of school year. Cost for kit was $105 and prizes for contest to be determined. Est prize money $450 in Spring 2023 will be required.
- Website: in additon to calendar updates, have included me13a New Member Orientation Guide link under Become a Lion section. Added quick link to 2023-la2-constitution-and-bylaws PDF on main page.
- Finances: {RD LP} Lion Lawrence has confirmed AGLC says we are unable to use Casino funds for LCI Dues if the invoice from LCI lists members information as part of the invoice. LCI does but District C2 does not. Past projects that could be reimb from C-acct include $130 bank fees to 06-2023 and $500 for MHS esport donation earlier in 2023. Lion Roger has updated finance pages online accordingly.
- New Items
- {AW} reported that R Murphy of SASH food basket program has offered to host a tour for our club on a week night TBA.
- {AC} J Burbank of Cardston club has reached out to inquire if any current Lions willing to serve with them as Associate Members. Lion Roger will review documentation and consult with Zone Chair on how and why.
- {AO} Inqured how the Kindness Bingo project is going. Still some cards available at local businesses but not always in most visible sites. Social media updates are suggested to get the message out to those who still might wish to participate. {EO} noted that the real benefit is to those already participating.
- Move to adjourn 7:30pm Next meeting potluck dinner on Thu 28 Dec 2023 at location TBA.
Lion Roger Davies for Lion Larry Murray