1) Annual Elections
2) Community Food Drive
3) Projects: DW Equipment Install, Fishpond Park Plans, MES Canada Day Program.
Attending 4/12 Lions. Thanks to all that came despite Spring Break holidays.
1) Accepted Membership applications for Alex and Laurie-Ann. Welcome to the crew!
2) Minutes of last meeting read and accepted.
3) Items from minutes:
a) Discussed plans for upcoming 7th Annual Food Drive on Sat 28 Apr 2012 from 9-1pm. Flyers and bags have been sent out and will be distributed next week by Church/Youth groups. Welcome all assistance on Sat for loading in Magrath and unloading in Lethbridge.
b) Lion Roger reported meeting with DW re upcoming install. They will let us know when County has completed initial work (later this spring).
c) Agreed no need for Lions Club table at upcoming Chamber Tradeshow this year.
4) Discussed club election process. Lion Roger will set up online election process and email all members.
5) Lion Roger reported successful set up of the name and corresponding Google Apps email. Cost is minimal $12/yr for name and if < 10 email accounts Google Apps is free (we use one account per family). Gives us some new features: can email all members using [email protected] or to an alias [email protected] forwards to current president. Will email details to each member.
6) Lion Laurie-Ann suggested we do a phone out as well as email notification to improve meeting attendance. She volunteered to phone for next meeting 1 week prior.
7) Next meeting set for Sat 26 May 2012 at 9am for a Lions Club pancake breakfast.
8) Meeting Adjourned at 8pm
Minutes by Lion Roger for Lion Deanna (not able to attend).