Magrath Lions Club Meeting Minutes Thu 15 Mar 2012
7pm (held at home of E Olsen rather than at the Dahl's home)
with special guest: DG Lion Sharon West
1) Welcome Greetings - Lion Shauna
2) Roll Call - Introductions 4/10 lions + 3 guests attending (*see below). Thanks to Lion Sharon for coming to visit.
The new District 37N website discussed and Lion Roger urged to update our club website with their new links ( A power point presentation to help orient new members is available as well.
Discussed some ways to make clubs more effective and applicable to younger members through social media and websites.
5) Previous Minutes: Motion to Adopt. per website - accepted 100%
6) Old Business: see online
7) New Business: see online
8) Upcoming events:
* Diamond Willow Park Equipment Install
* Apr 2012 Community Food Drive (23-28 Apr)
* May 2012 Chamber of Magrath Tradeshow (4-5 May)
* Jun 2012 Canada Day Program at MES
* Jul 2012 Town Celebration (26-28 Jul)
* Jubilee Park Playground Project
9) Adjournment: Motion Lion Roger at 8:45pm
10) Next meetings - Proposed Schedule (upcoming/planned)
* 7pm Thu 12 Apr 2012
* 7pm Wed 9 May 2012
* 7pm Wed 13 Jun 2012
Shauna says: In response to DG letter - We actually do not have a meeting scheduled for the 1 of March. Sorry. Not all of our members can meet that night. Perhaps our next scheduled meeting would work for you? I believe it is set for Thu 15 Mar 2012 at 7pm here in Magrath at home of Devar and Leslie Dahl. We could move it a day or a half-hour earlier or later if your schedule is tight ..
Our club meeting day and time was a much discussed item at our last meeting. It is difficult to try to accommodate all our members schedules - some on town council with Tue meetings, others with Chamber or Church meetings on Tue or Wed and Thu, or with other higher priority commitments. A new family that is thinking of joining that cannot attend on Wed evenings. I suppose it would be best to pick a fixed date and keep it for whomever really wants to come. .. next meeting after that is set for Thu 12 Apr 2012 at 7pm.